I started a book club! It’s something I have been wanting to do for a long time and since I am still in lockdown, I finally had some time to sit down and think it through.
We will be reading classics of urbanism, urban planning, city design and related topics – mostly non-fiction, but I’ll smuggle in some fiction ones with great descriptions of cities, too! Do you have any suggestions an what to read? Leave a comment or head to Instagram.
You can find the Urbanism Book Club on Instagram and also on parCitypatory, including a link to sign up for the newsletter!
Do let me know whether you’d like a regular newsletter and some additional resources and I will look into it.
And this is how it will work:
The first book we are reading in August is “The Death and Life of Great American Cities” by Jane Jacobs – what else could it be?
Other books coming up will include:
- Jan Gehl: Cities for People
- David Harvey: Rebel Cities
- Mike Davis: Planet of Slums
- Talja Blokland: Community as Urban Practice
- Peter Hall: Cities of Tomorrow
- David Harvey: Rebel Cities
- Daphne Spain: How Women Saved the City
Join the conversation here and feel free to invite friends to join – happy reading!