urb.im – a network for just and inclusive cities

Introducing this network of 24 cities worldwide learning from each other's innovations.

Urb.im is a website covering 24 different cities globally with a different topic each month. The project culminated in reporting from the HABITAT III Conference last year, but remains a great source of information and innovative urban development ideas. Urb.im is a global community working for just and inclusive cities, propagates innovation and connects all members of the ecosystem working on urban poverty alleviation in the Global South. A project of Dallant Networks sponsored by the Ford Foundation, this online network establishes an international community of practice and learning, sharing ideas and experiences to innovate, replicate, and scale working solutions to the problem of urban poverty in the Global South. It is focused on twenty-four cities: Accra, Bangalore, Bogotá, Cairo, Cali, Cape Town, Caracas, Chittagong, Curitiba, Dar es Salaam, Delhi, Dhaka, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta, Johannesburg, Lagos, Lilongwe, Mexico City, Mumbai, Nairobi, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Surabaya, and Tehran.

Last year, I had the opportunity to contribute a few articles about Accra and I am excited to share them today, because I will be going to Accra in just a few weeks to do research for my Master’s dissertation. You can find my articles for urb.im about Accra here. The ones about the unionisation of informal workers and community integration through street art are of particular relevance for parCitypatory’s message. Enjoy reading!

Update 2017: urb.im is not active anymore, but you can still access many fascinating articles.

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