How Can We Measure the Progress Towards SDG 11?

In order to reach SDG 11 by 2030, we need to understand what our cities are doing to achieve the goal and to analyse how progress is being measured. This article presents three different tools and identifies gaps and opportunities in data collection.
The Four Magic Ingredients for a Good Neighbourhood, According to Jane Jacobs

Inspired by Jane Jacobs’ book “Death and Life of Great American Cities”, I analyse my own neighbourhood based on her four conditions for a vibrant and diverse neighbourhood.
Participatory Planning During Covid-19: Online Participation

This article links to useful resources and gives some tips for participatory planning and community engagement during Covid-19.
Voices from Melbourne

Amy Hubbard from “Capire – Giving Every Person a Voice” talks about her community engagement work in Melbourne, Australia.
The Urbanism Book Club by parCitypatory

Join the Urbanism Book Club on Instagram to discuss classic books about urban planning, urban design, architecture, and more!