WUF12: It All Starts at Home – Local Actions for Sustainable Cities and Communities
At WUF12, I look for green spaces and find some surprising blue ones.
In this section, people are telling their stories about participation. It is intended as an inspirational collection of voices, ideas and experiences from urban neighbourhoods all over the world. The opportunity to participate or make one’s voice heard is usually most limited in informal settlements or poor neighbourhoods. Therefore, these stories focus on ideas for more urban participation in poorer communities. Do you have a story to share from your neighbourhood? Get in touch with me!
At WUF12, I look for green spaces and find some surprising blue ones.
Baku in Azerbaijan is hosting World Habitat Day 2023 on October 2. Read more about Urban October in this guest post by UN Habitat.
The World Urban Forum 11 in Katowice, Poland, served as an important reminder on the urgency of making our cities more sustainable, resilient, and climate-friendly.
Climate change will soon dominate every single news story. Learn how to write in an engaging, colourful, solutions-oriented manner about the biggest challenge of our time.
The New Urban Agenda was adopted 5 years ago. What has changed for cities and (how) can we measure progress in urban development? What needs to happen next?
Urban Acupuncture consists of pinpricks of urban change. In this article, I look at Jaime Lerner’s book on this topic and discuss the participatory potential of Urban Acupuncture.
This article gives a brief overview of the Right to the City, its history and its current importance.
Inspired by Jane Jacobs’ book “Death and Life of Great American Cities”, I analyse my own neighbourhood based on her four conditions for a vibrant and diverse neighbourhood.
This article explains the ideas behind tactical urbanism and gives advice on how to “do” tactical urbanism.
Blogging about neighbourhood developments and urban planning initiatives can be a valuable tool for citizens, local governments and urban planners alike.
This article discusses how urban planners can make our cities more resilient, based on what we learned from the Covid-19 crisis.
A critical look at the 10th World Urban Forum in Abu Dhabi in February 2020.